Change Item Appearance Cost Reduction

by 15:44 0 comentários
As some of you may know, we’ve been looking at various issues around our Astral Diamond economy; both earn rates and costs. We’ve decided to take on Change Item Appearance costs next – more commonly known as Transmutes.
We’ll be lowering the Change Item Appearance costs by 90% or more! Low-level transmutes will now range from 10 AD at level 1 to around 300 AD at level 35 - just enough to get you used to how the system works. The level 70 cost will drop from 50,000 AD to 5,000 AD – a price that is hopefully in reach of anyone wanting to change their look.
This change will take into effect on PC today, January 21 after maintenance is complete. It will also hit Xbox One on February 9 with Underdark.

We’re continuing to evaluate the Astral Diamond economy and would love to hear your feedback with this change.
Font : ArcGames

Maycon Paixão

Collaborator of Neverwinter Index

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